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Changing box colors

0 votes
Hi! I was wondering if it is possible to make it so the boxes were of colors other than blue (for men), pink (for women) and a third color. Like, if I wanted for some men to be green and for others to be red, or something like that, would that be possible? I'm pretty sure it's still impossible, but I just wanted to check. Thanks!
asked Jun 23, 2022 by AshGeneration (530 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
On the bottom of your family tree page, you should see "Show Options". Select that. It will pop up, and in the center you will see "Background" through "Deceased" with colored boxes beside them. Select any color box, and the color menu will pop up for you to select any color you wish!
answered Jun 26, 2022 by Egunning83 (480 points)
Hi, thanks for your answer! Although that isn't what I meant... I know I can select any color for men and for women and whatever, but what if I want to make men of different colors? Say one men red, another one green, and another one blue. That's what I was wondering.
0 votes
There are browser extensions that let you override the CSS for a website (this just overrides it for you). You could set the color of individual people in this manner. You light have to learn a little bit about CSS.
answered Jun 27, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
Hi, thanks for your answer! I'll take a look at it, see if I can understand how CSS works since I've never tried it. Thanks for your help!