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How can I print one section of the tree only?

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167 views asked Jun 21, 2022 by Fone (120 points)

1 Answer

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Whichever members of the family tree are displayed on the screen are the ones who will be printed:

To show/print a branch of the tree from one person "down":

  1. Click on a son or daughter of that person.
  2. Click on "Show options" at the bottom of the window
  3. Change these options:
    1. Parents: 1
    2. Children: 15 (or whatever seems best to you)
    3. Other: 15 (or whatever seems best to you)
  4. Click on "Print tree" at the bottom of the window

If you're trying to print a different configuration, you can generally get what you want by playing with the three options above AND changing who you click on. Tell us a little more about what you are trying to print, and maybe someone can offer more specific advice.


answered Jun 22, 2022 by lsommerer (50,890 points)