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How can I make a family fit in the cells of the tree?

0 votes
Some of my family members have a long family name. When I look at their box in the tree, the field for family name does not wrap and last letters show up on the next line. Is there a way to make it fit? (i.e. adjust box size or font)
asked Jun 19, 2022 by Dmeier (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you click on Show Options at the bottom of the screen, one of the many things that you can change is the width of the boxes. I would try that first. If that works, could you let us know?
answered Jun 22, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
I can change the width of the boxes on the screen, it's ok, but when printing the size is too small even if I chose "Use tree box width"
I'm having trouble picturing what you are describing. Any change you can upload an image?