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How to show only part of the family to invited members?

+1 vote
I would gladly invite all my family members on the site, but i am concerned about the fact that some of them may not feel well knowing that their whole family information is visible to a bunch of other unknown people aka my other relatives they are not related to.

I could just send them a downloaded version but it kinda takes away of the interactive experience and their possibility of editing it and checking for updates every time something new is added.

Any thoughts on how to deal with this?
asked Jun 9, 2022 by dommii29 (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is currently no way to limit sharing to only a portion of the family tree.

You could maintain several family trees for each of the branches. You would have access to your whole family tree with everyone's information, and when you update that tree, you would also have to update one other tree.

Or you could maintain one additional family tree that only includes information that you don't think people would mind being shared.

One thing to keep in mind is that there is no way to unshare a family tree. Even if you delete the tree, anyone with whom you have shared the family tree will still be able to access it.
answered Jun 14, 2022 by lsommerer (52,870 points)