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Why does the info bar take up half the screen & crowd out the family tree & functions?

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372 views asked Jun 7, 2022 by iloveicecream (120 points)

1 Answer

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I'm not sure if you're talking about the panel on the left or the panel at the top, but here are a few things that you can try:

  1. You can use the double left arrow icon (really less than icon?) to collapse the left panel entirely:
  2. You can use the slider at the bottom center to make the family tree boxes smaller, so that you can see more of them:
  3. Your browser might be set to enlarge the website. You can make everything smaller with command-minus and larger with command-plus (On a PC it is cntr-minus and cntr-plus). You can also reset the amount of reduction/enlargement back to normal with command-zero.


answered Jun 9, 2022 by lsommerer (45,380 points)