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Step family/Fostering/Guardianship

0 votes
I realize we can attach children/parents who are step, fostered/guardians/wards, and adopted. But it always shows the child twice which is confusing.


Also, If both a child's parents have remarried, and you connect the new partners and the children's step-parents, and attaches the step-parents to each other as though they are partners, which is inaccurate.


Lastly, I have an issue - I have a child by two parents. One parents gave up their rights to the child, the custodial parent remarried, and the new step-parent adopted the child. While the current system does allow for picking one or two parents as adopted/step, etc...it does not allow for the two primary parents to be a mix of biological/adopted.
asked Jun 4, 2022 by Egunning83 (480 points)

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