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How do I change the "Current" Date?

+5 votes
I want to show the age of people, but it is basing the date on todays date, not the current date of my fantasy world.
asked May 19, 2022 by patricthomas (250 points)
There is currently no way to do this. If you know Javascript, you could try changing the function call for the current date to a hard coded date.

More specifically, look for some call of "new Date()" and change it to, for example: "new Date('1995-12-17T00:00:00')"

You could also change the system time on your computer, but you might have problems with security certificates that are then out of date.

1 Answer

+3 votes
Setting the age as of a certain date is now a feature of Family Echo. Under "Show options", at the bottom of the screen, if you check the toggle to show the age as of today, you can optionally change to showing the age as of an arbitrary date. This works with dates in the past or future.
answered Sep 4, 2022 by lsommerer (50,890 points)
I don’t see this on my options, how do I do this?
You have to check the "Age" box before the selection dropdown appears.
Hi, I've been using this option, except every time I open my file again, the option changes back to the current date. Is there a way to lock my choice?
There isn't.
a shame :/