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Why does it show a family member’s stepmother and stepfather as ex-partners

+2 votes
When I add 2 secondary parents to a family member it shows the secondary parents as ex-partners
asked May 1, 2022 by Alphalol (170 points)
I think there is a problem with how Family Echo is currently updating the lines between partners. I sent a message to Family Echo with some infomration on the problem. I'll update this answer if I get more information.

1 Answer

+1 vote

I'm not sure how they obtained the status of ex-partners, but there is a relatively new feature that I think you can probably use to fix them. 

  1. Click on one of the step parents
  2. Click on "change or delete" on the left
  3. Click on "Change partners"

From there you can make any changes pertaining to whether someone is a current partner, an ex-partner, or an extra partner. 

answered May 9, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)