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"Duplicate" appear when cousins marry each other. FE know it but consider it as correct.

–3 votes
In my mind the solution to this problem would be simple with maybe

2 clciks of the mouse.


FE ought to amend its system such that it would allow SELECT with mouse a couple

(partners 1 and partner 2) establishing a relationship;  thus bringing the 2 (showing them united in marriage) near each other;  keeping all other things as is.


This is an opinion
asked Apr 28, 2022 by razmigm (150 points)
I'm not with Family Echo, so don't take my comment as an official answer. Part of the problem is that how to draw the relationship lines can get very messy. If the cousins' parents are right next to each other in age and if the cousins are the oldest and youngest siblings in their families, then it is obvious where the computer should draw the line for the relationship. But that's the only simple case.

Do you move the cousins, or do you preserve the birth order of the siblings if they are not the oldest/youngest in their families? If the cousin's parents are not next to each other in birth order, how do you draw the relationship line through the intervening families of the cousins' aunts and uncles? And that's not even thinking about how you draw the lines if the cousins are not in the same generation.

This just isn't a problem that is easily solved by a computer in a way that will be pleasing to a person. I am not aware of any family tree programs that attempt to do this. Some of them will let you manually move people around in the tree, but then you have problems with lines crossing and keeping generations grouped horizontally.

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