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Is it possible to show nationality?

+1 vote
I'd like to make it so that a person's nationality is imediately listed, as that is what my Family Tree requires. Is it possible to somehow do this? Is it even a feature?
asked Apr 26, 2022 by Bitter.lyy (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

There's no built in field for nationality, but there are a couple of things that you could do:

  1. If nationality is the same as the country that people are born in, you can display the place of birth. To display the Place of Birth, and a whole lot of other information, click on "Show options" at the bottom of the screen and check the checkbox in front of Birth Place.
  2. You could also repurpose any of the other extra fields to show nationality. Just pick one that you don't intend to use; maybe Company, Interests, or Activities.
  3. If you're not adding photos of people, you could add flags in place of photos.

Let us know which of these (if any) you decide to use.

answered Apr 26, 2022 by lsommerer (52,770 points)
The flags idea is cool.  I want to add to that idea.  You can add photos and flags, you do not have to choose.  Simply make a collage of the person's photo and a flag and you can get both.  I make collages for childhood photos and adult ones as well on a few trees.