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Is there any way to change the display of the tree into vertical structure?

+1 vote
Hello, I am doing my family tree and I come across the problem that since we are quite a few, if the tree is displayed horizontally (it's the default setting), it is way too wide to make it easy to read and understand.

Is there any way to display it vertically so it is more schematic?

Thanks in advance
asked Apr 18, 2022 by Unai_Riveira (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
That's not a current feature of Family Echo. When I want to print my family tree out differently, I export my tree as a GEDCOM file (all geneology software can read GEDCOM files), and import it into a program that prints the way I'm after. Family Tree Maker is the program that most often does what I'm after. There are also online services that will format your family tree any way you'd like and print it out for you.

Note: Photos are not exported with your GEDCOM file.
answered Apr 19, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)