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Is there a way to show my great grandmother's and great grandfather's families at the same time?

0 votes
Let me explain. My great grandparents were cousins. (old times...what can I say).  I was able to connect them but I cannot get it to allow the viewer to see both of their families at the same time. It forces me to toggle.  Most of the family above them were lost or moved in many directions in the Holocaust. It is important to my father to get this to be visible and set up so my family can continue to add to it over time. Can you please help me?
asked Mar 23, 2022 by amandaseewald@gmail.com (120 points)
I tried to recreate the relationship you described in a test tree, and I could not get the the tree to display in the way I expected it to either. So, I don't think you're doing anything wrong, or that there is a setting that you're not aware of. I think the software is doing something a little odd in this case.

Having said that, I do not expect it to show the multiple relationships at the same time. But I would think it would be possible to show the ancestors of either side of that relationship when you click on someone from that side of the tree, and I don't think it is doing that now.

You'll probably have to use the send feedback button to ask for this feature. I'm adding this as a comment instead of an answer on the off chance that someone has a better understanding of what's going on.
I have the same issue.  I only want to show the trees of both of of my grandparents... however if I click on my mother, for example, it will not show her siblings' respective trees (which I also want to show).  

If I click on my grandma, it shows her tree, which is everyone and great, however I also want the tree to show my grandfather (and grandma at the same time).  Curious what the solution is!

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