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Find a family member on the tree

0 votes
I lost track of a family member on my family tree. I forgot his name, but I know he was sixteen when he died (I'm pretty sure I put in birth and death dates.) The bio notes mention murder. I've tried Ctrl+F looking for '16' while I have age selected to appear on the tree. It wasn't helpful. Any suggestions on how to find him again on a large tree?
asked Mar 18, 2022 by LucyPearl (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can export a CVS format backup of your tree.  You can then load this file into a spreadsheet app like Excel or Libre Office and search for the word "murder" to find your family member.

The download/export button is at the bottom of the sidebar.
answered Mar 19, 2022 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)