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Why didn't my changes get saved?

0 votes

I always save my changes as I go as well as before exiting the program. When I open the tree the next time, the changes I made are not there. Specifically under Options when I ask for the middle name to show and the birth years etc. They are not there when I reopen the tree to work on it again.

asked Mar 11, 2022 by thescotshaveit (240 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Family Echo stores the fields to show on the family tree in cookies. If your browser is setup to not allow cookies, or to delete cookies between sessions (of if you are using an incognito mode), then the cookie will not be present when you start Family Echo again, and the options will be set to the defaults. This will also be the case if you use a different browser or a different computer.
answered Mar 14, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)