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“Duplicate” seems to cause confusion. Is there a better term?

0 votes

There are over 100 questions about duplicates in the forum. Many of these questions seem to come from someone not understanding how the term is used within Family Echo. I wonder if we could come up with a better term? I am not saying that "duplicate" is not accurate. I just see it leading to a lot of confusion  

I don't really have a strong idea in mind. The idea, I believe, is to convey that "this person appears in multiple spots in the tree, because they are related in multiple ways." Clearly we can't use that term. Here is a brainstormed list. Feel free to add others or to say if any of these are better or worse.

  • Multiple Relationships 
  • Appears Elsewhere
  • Multiple Branches
  • Multi-branched
  • Multiple Inheritances
  • Multiple Links
  • Multi-linked
  • Doubly Related

Naming things is one of the two hardest problems in computer science. 

asked Feb 6, 2022 by lsommerer (50,890 points)
edited Feb 6, 2022 by lsommerer

1 Answer

0 votes
It's worth thinking about. But FYI around a week ago the logic for duplication was much improved, so that only a single duplicate is shown rather than an entire branch of the tree. So perhaps this will also reduce confusion.
answered Feb 7, 2022 by gidgreen (10,920 points)