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Glitches (Help!)

+1 vote
My family tree won't let me delete nor edit certian peoples, their box also dissapears so I can't even interact with them. This has only been happening to me ever since the last update made to site. With this bug it makes it almost impossible for me to continue working.

I hope this problem can be resolved, I have 40,000+ profiles and 100hrs+ of work counting on it. If there are any work arounds when I encouter this bug, I will be sure to abideto anyones advice.

Thanks in Advance!

asked Feb 1, 2022 by fishstick365 (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Please contact us via the feedback form, giving (a) your username, (b) the name of the family, (c) the person you are trying to edit, (d) the web browser and computer system you are using:

answered Feb 1, 2022 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
0 votes
Hi. A similar thing occured to me: some specific people disappeared all of a sudden and I was truly scared. I personally solved it by deselecting "age", that is, in the options tab, not showing the years of life.

Hope this helps? And good luck.
answered Feb 12, 2022 by AshGeneration (540 points)
Could you please contact us about this? It sounds like a bug we should identify and fix. Contact page: https://www.familyecho.com/?page=feedback
Looks like it was fixed in an update, the glitch is gone away, thank god!