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Backup copy...?

+1 vote
I have been sharing my family tree with other family members so that they can edit it but I am worried that they could easily click on my account then remove my tree or make a mess of it. Is there anyway for me to retrieve my tree if someone loses it? I have spent so much time on it...

I know I can print it but I was wondering if I can have a 'master copy' online that noone can edit...?
asked Jun 30, 2015 by eprentice (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can download a copy of the tree. When your on your family tree its at the very bottom on the left. It says Download/export this family. There are five opitions you can choice.
answered Jun 30, 2015 by jds1983 (7,260 points)
If you choose GEDCOM or FamilyScript, you can also import it back into Family Echo to save as a backup that no-one has permission to edit.