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Too many duplicates

+3 votes
Hi there, so there's a ton of duplicates in my family tree since there are instances where people have married cousins (which is common in the indian subcontinent) is there a solution to this?

for example, my maternal grandmother and my paternal grandfather are both brothers and sisters and due to this there is a duplicate of myself since I'm in both sides of the family tree, my mother and father are also duplicates on each side. and in certain cases, all my grandfathers are duplicates depending on who I centre the view on.

If I have the view on myself, most of the family tree is full of duplicates because it's creating one from my fathers side and one from my mothers side.

Is there any solution to this or do I just need to accept the fact that it's gonna happen.

Thanks very much, appreciate the help.
asked Jan 5, 2015 by rizwandawood (330 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Hi rizwandawood,

It is possible to add partners from existing people to avoid duplicates:

Select the first person in the partnership. Then click 'Add partner/ex' followed by 'Partner with existing person on tree'. Choose the second partner from the list then click the appropriate button.

Have a nice day,

answered Jan 6, 2015 by Flemmade (500 points)