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Parent adopted step child/feature change request

0 votes
My brother has a step-child.  He has adopted this child now.  

When making trees by hand I always had the solid line to the birth parent and a dashed line to adopted parent.  Here some dots show up, but it is not obvious to me how that shows the relationship.

The way this is shown on the tree is confusing to me.  It adds a child and has short dotted lines to nowhere and then a duplicate is created, also with a few dots.  Very confusing to me. I think that having the parent type set for each parent would be helpful.  I don't think I will add the ex-partner to this tree.  

Is there a description of how creating a duplicate shows the correct relationship?  Is there a way to de-emphasize the duplicate?

Julie Blanchet
asked Jan 20, 2022 by JulieBlanchet (120 points)

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