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I cannot delete certain people

+1 vote
Hello, I have a family tree with 44 ppl. Yesterday, I added about 19 ppl and that's when I ran into my problem. I tried naming a parent and his icon disappeared. He's still on the tree but invisible, it his spouse and children are shown connected to nothing. I tried deleting him, his wife, and his children but they are still there. I can delete other ppl on the tree just not those four people. Anyone have a solution?
asked Jan 15, 2022 by hannahmontanathemovie (130 points)
Same thing happend to me when I added my 98th person. It went invisible and now I can't delete it, or change its information. I did some experiments on how it might have happend, but I think it was a glitch.

1 Answer

0 votes

I can think of a couple of things to do:

  1. Try another browser. If this works, I would try clearing the cache in the first browser. 
  2. Try finding the person then click on them in the found list. Maybe you can delete them from there. 
  3. Export your GENCON file, delete them, and upload the file as a new tree. 
answered Jan 19, 2022 by lsommerer (50,620 points)