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username and password

0 votes
hi all

a few months ago i created a username and password ,but i cant rememeber none of them

neither the usrname nor the password


can you help me please
asked Jan 10, 2022 by csiraimylc (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

In the past, people have said that you can use the "Send Feedback" link for requests like this. But I don't have any personal experience with this. If you use that link, make sure you include enough information to give the developer a resonable chance to help you. I am guessing that you would want to include your full name, your email address, what you think your username is, your birthday, the full names of a couple of the people in your tree.

I don't know if the developer is setup to retrieve accounts like this, but that information will be enough to give them a fighting chance, or maybe to steal your identity.

answered Jan 15, 2022 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
JK about the identity theft bit. If they wanted to do that, they already have full names, date of birth, and mother's maiden name for tens of thousands of people. Note to self: if I ever want to get into the identity theft business, make a family tree website.