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How do I add a child who is one branch to his/her parent who is in a different branch?

0 votes
Two ancestors are first cousins who are married to each other. How do I show this without adding one of them twice? They share one set of grandparents so do I have to add the grandparents twice (once as the maternal grandparents of the husband and once as the paternal grandparents of the wife) or do I have to show one of the spouses twice? Is there no way to connect them?
asked Jan 5, 2022 by zureenkazmi (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can marry the cousins by going to "Add Partner/Ex" and then choosing "Partner with person already on tree". Following that you can add their child as you normally would.

You can also add the child under one parent, then choose the option "Change or delete", go to "Change Parents" and   manually select the other person as the second parent.


(You should note that when viewing this childs family tree, the parents' shared ancestors may be visible twice. One pair will be marked as duplicate to indicate this. It is not a change in your family tree, just how familyecho displays ancestors who appear multiple times in someones tree)
answered Jan 5, 2022 by LinaHime (190 points)
jsyk, if those parents are already married, it creates duplicates of the parents and the child (for secondaries)