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I don't see a Save button on the upper right to save my family tree

0 votes
Help.  I have entered many data but don't see a SAVE button to save the tree information.
asked Jan 3, 2022 by itgirlnyc (120 points)

1 Answer

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Before I share my answer, I will say that info save automatically if you're logged in. If you are logged in, then click the "Hide" text if it's there. Now, you should see black text saying "All changes saved." But if you are logged in and don't see the "Save" button, try refreshing the page. Also, if you see red text saying “Changes not saved” while your editing a person on the tree, keep editing it. It goes away once you press “Ok”.

answered Jan 6, 2022 by The_funiii (280 points)
edited Jun 16, 2022 by The_funiii
I was logged in but lost lots of edits more than once.  When I refresh the page, I lose all changes/edits.

I don't see a "hide" option.
I’m not an expert on this, I’m just trying to help, so I don’t know how you lost all your edits. But, I can tell you that if there is an ad, you will find blue text saying “Hide:” next to the top-left corner of the ad. It is a smaller font than the other text, so it is rational to not notice it at first.