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Spread the tree across the entire page

0 votes
My tree is very wide but not that deep, meaning not that many generations. Consequently, to get all of the people on one page (width), the font is very small and there is a lot of unused space at the top and bottom margins.

Is there any way I can spread out the tree to take up more of the page, so the print will be larger?

asked Dec 31, 2021 by babashmr@gmail.com (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you mean print to a printer, then after you click "Print tree", look in the print dialog box on the left.  There are two settings you can change to "spread out" your tree - Width and Height.

Increase the Width number to spread your tree across multiple pages (tape them together after printing).  If the boxes look squished even when you've increased the Width, then increase the Height to 2 (or 3).

Use the Print Preview button to see how the pages will look before actually printing them.

If you mean on the screen, just click the + or - magnifying glass icons at the bottom of the screen to make the font size larger or smaller, but you'll likely not be able to get the entire tree on the screen at the same time.
answered Jan 3, 2022 by mikeb00 (3,070 points)