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Can't Save, no save option?

0 votes
Hey folks I'm unable to save my family tree. When I go into my account to my family trees there is no tree only the option to make one, when I hit make a new tree I can see the option to save, but in my other window - where I have the tree I'm working on - there is no option to save. What can I do? I don't want to start over! Thanks in advanced!
asked Dec 30, 2021 by Arbonos (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
To make changes (Add parents, Add child, Add partner,...), you use the sidebar (on the left).

Once you've entered the data (names, dates, locations,...), in the upper right corner, above your tree, you should see 4 buttons: "Save", "Share", "My Account", "Logout"; click the "Save" button and the sidebar should go back to all grey boxes.

If you don't see those, something is definitely wrong.  Take a screenshot and attach it to this question.
answered Dec 31, 2021 by mikeb00 (3,090 points)