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HTML tree output not working in Weebly, has anyone a solution p

0 votes

Any idea what mighe be going wrong when I try to insert Family Echo HTML into a weebly website.


Weebly's editor has an option to insert external code, and I've had it working before with HTML of my own, and content from other providers.

I've also checked in a number of browsers with the same problem exhibiting.

So it's something clashing with Weebly.

I have an idea it might be that the code from Family Echo contains Javascript, and that I need to remove this from the embed, place the javascript elsewhere in the site code, and call it from the embed page - pushing my confidence levels on coding.

Hoping someone else with a weebly site has solved this.

Many thanks.

asked Dec 23, 2021 by jd.gosling@btinternet.com (130 points)
edited Dec 24, 2021 by jd.gosling@btinternet.com

1 Answer

+1 vote
This is just a guess, but after reading a little bit about how Weebly works, I suspect that you will need to create a custom header type and put the CSS and Javascript in that header, then use that header type on a page with the rest of the HTML generated by Family Echo. This is the information I was looking at: https://community.weebly.com/t5/Site-Editor/How-to-run-a-JavaScript-program-on-a-Weebly-website/m-p/190779#M36397
answered Dec 28, 2021 by lsommerer (49,910 points)
Hi, thank you for the kind reply. Yes, that looks like a possible solution, I'll give it a go.