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Starting six new trees

0 votes

I have my whole family in a tree on here but I've decided it would be better if i did a tree for each of the main names in my family which is six. Would I be able to do this and have you any tips please? I'm thinking that I'd probably have to copy all the names on paper then add them into new trees. Would there be an easier way please?


asked Dec 13, 2021 by Pamsuzanne (1,800 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You can export your current tree as a GEDCOM file and then import it as a new tree as many times as you'd like. Then you only have to delete people from the trees that you don't want them in. I don't know if it's faster to delete everyone 5 times or add them 1 time. NOTE: GEDCOM files do not contain photos, so, if you have photos in your tree, you would have to add them again.
answered Dec 14, 2021 by lsommerer (51,650 points)