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How to increase enlarge print font text size when printing tree?

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458 views asked Oct 22, 2021 by giuseppesarnelli (120 points)

1 Answer

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The only real ways to do this in Family Echo are:

  1. Print less of the family tree at a time.
  2. Print the family tree on larger paper (A2 or A0 for example)
  3. Print the family tree on more pieces of paper (change the width and/or height). 

There are companies that will print out your family tree for you from your GEDCOM file. This resource lists a few of them toward the bottom of the page. Note that your GEDCOM file doesn't include pictures.

I actually purchased Family Tree Maker just to use their charts. I work in FamilyEcho and then export my GEDCOM file and import it into Family Tree Maker. They have an option where you can print out your whole family tree (subject to the normal limit of how much of a tree you can realistically display at a time) as one large PDF (instead of splitting it into multiple pages. But there is a hard limit with PDFs of a maximum width of 200 inches (about 17 feet), so there are some compromises there as well.

After I had my 3 feet by 17 feet pdf file, I had to find someone to print it for me. If you go this route, I found that blueprintsprinting.com was pretty reasonable at about $45.00. Office Depot and places like that can print that large as well, but they wanted much more money. After it came, I took shipping tape and taped the backside of the family tree so it couldn't rip. I might laminate it eventually, but I figured people would point out errors in this first one. 

answered Oct 25, 2021 by lsommerer (52,470 points)