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How can I automatically create a family with a script including images?

–1 vote
Since it seems that FamilyScript does not have the ability to specify uploaded images, is it possible to create a family tree with images using GEDCOM or another file format?  I am not interested in using some other site for images, because a) I want the images on Family Echo, and b) this cannot be done automatically using a script.
asked Oct 19, 2021 by faiuwle (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
No, you can't do that on Family Echo. Family Echo does not import images with either the GEDCOM format or it's native FamilyScript format. It also doesn't export photos in either format. You have to add the images individually after you import your family.
answered Oct 20, 2021 by lsommerer (51,710 points)