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Why is there no Stepbrother or Stepsister or like 1st cousin onced removed

0 votes
When i did the stepfather part and stuff it keeps saying half-brother or half-sister so i think you guys should add like a add like a add secondory siblings or something
asked Sep 23, 2021 by BOODIE2012 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Family trees traditionally have ways to show genetic relationships (children) and legal relationships (marriages, adoptions...). Step-brothers and step-sisters can come about in several ways, and some of those ways produce half-brothers and half-sisters. It really depends on the specific relationships, both genetic and legal, between the people.

As far as 1st cousin once removed, that's your first cousin's child, and you can do that by adding a child to your first cousin.
answered Sep 24, 2021 by lsommerer (52,950 points)