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Can you search information about people on your family tree? (On other websites too.)

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240 views asked Jun 25, 2021 by thebentreeboy (810 points)
Can you give us more information about what you are trying to do?
Well the people on my family tree i want to know if i can search public information about the people on my family tree, like my aunt, amanda harder

1 Answer

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Best answer

To do research on geneology of family members I recommend the Family Search website.  That's a free option sponsored by the Mormon church.

Ancestry.com is also a great source but it's a pay service.  But you can join for a few months, do you research then cancel your membership.

answered Jul 3, 2021 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
selected Jul 4, 2021 by thebentreeboy