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what is the max amount of family members that this website can handle?

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334 views asked Jun 24, 2021 by bouncyballofficial (200 points)

1 Answer

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Someone can probably give an official answer, but I can offer that I have 750 people in my family tree right now and have not noticed any change in performance. I'm sure there are plenty of people with larger family trees than that. Note that there is some upper limit. From the FAQ:

Q: Why can't I add more distant relatives?

There is a limit on which relatives can be included in a tree, based on their distance from the tree's founder. This limit helps ensure privacy for family members, and prevents the tree from growing indefinitely. If you reach the limit, click the 'Create new family' button to start a new family branch from the selected person.

answered Jun 25, 2021 by lsommerer (52,770 points)
DUDE THATS SO MANY PEOPLE! I only have 266 people so fAr
I have over 21000 people on my tree and performance has decreased, though if I set other in options to none, and children generations to 1 then it feels about the same as having 200 people.