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Date format for GED import file

0 votes
Please advise what is the required date format in a GED text file.

My text file format is dd/mm/yyyy and the result is dd only
asked Jun 7, 2021 by amidd1941 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
When I look at the GEDCOM files that Family Echo generates, I see dates like: 24 APR 1898. This seems to be the standard GEDCOM file format.

I exported my family tree and I see the same results that you're seeing when I changed the dates to MM/DD/YYYY and DD-MM-YYYY just to see if I could get something else to import. So I think you're going to have to convert to DD MMM YYYY for the import to work correctly.
answered Jun 15, 2021 by lsommerer (51,650 points)
Thank you. That is what I had to do.