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Is it possible to merge two family trees or parts of two family trees?

0 votes
My grandfather was married twice and there are family trees on Family Echo from each marrage.

I am decended from the second marrage.

I would like to add the decendans from the first marrage to my family tree. Is there any other way than adding them one at a time.

Thanks in advance

asked Jun 6, 2021 by GeoffCB (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

If there is only one person who overlaps in both trees (the second wife in this case), then you can merge them manually. Here's a previous post that explains how to do it. If you're not confortable doing that, there are programs that merge two GEDCOM files together. Here's an article from Family Tree Magazine that looks at a couple of them. It turns out that merging two family trees is a pretty common thing for people to want to do, and if you search on Google for "merging GEDCOM files", there are a lot of resources to look at. 

answered Jun 15, 2021 by lsommerer (50,140 points)