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How do I show the marriage date?

0 votes
The spouses are connected. I would like to show the marriage date.
asked May 25, 2021 by dcbretl (120 points)

1 Answer

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You're probably aware that you can set a variety of fields to show by clicking "Show options" at the bottom of the screen. But there is no option for showing partners. I belive this is because there isn't a clean way to show multiple partners or to decide which partner to show the wedding date for. It would be a nice feature request, but it isn't as straght forward as showing the other dates that a person can only have one of.

You can work around this by choosing one of the other fields that you don't think you will use, like company, interests of activities and putting the marriage date that you want to appear in that field. Not a great solution, because you are entering the data twice, but maybe it will let you do what you want to do.
answered May 25, 2021 by lsommerer (52,950 points)