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Why won't it let me change the birth order by choosing born later or born earlier?

0 votes
So I use this a lot and just been on more recently and noticed the nice little change birth order option. So I was changing the birth order of one person who has a large family. As it is the first person I started with I can't just delete them from the family tree like I would do with others, but after a point it won't let me move them after anyone or anyone before them. I was wondering why that is.
asked May 5, 2021 by coolgamer (120 points)
When you say it won't let you, is the button to move the person lower in the order greyed out, or is it available, but pressing it doesn't do anything? Also, is there anything entered into any of the three birth fields?

1 Answer

0 votes

When you say it won't let you, is the button to move the person lower in the order greyed out, or is it available, but pressing it doesn't do anything? Also, is there anything entered into any of the three birth fields?

answered Sep 10, 2021 by lsommerer (52,470 points)