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How can I share info between related family trees without having to re-input?

0 votes
My mother was married several times. Each of us offspring has a different father. We need to start a new tree for each of us to show the lineage through our fathers. But the new tree does not include information on our mother's other partners. Can we link those somehow or do we have to reenter that info on each tree individually?
asked Jan 21, 2015 by SusanneZorzella (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can export and import the original family tree into your Family Echo account to create a copy. To do this, please use the 'Download/export' button at the bottom of the left-hand panel and choose to save the family information in a GEDCOM or  FamilyScript file.

The go to 'My Account' in the top right of the page and choose 'Create new family'. In the left-hand panel you will now see an option to import the file you just created. You can save this copy of your family tree to your account and make the changes you want.
answered Jan 22, 2015 by FamilyEchoSupport (22,190 points)