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Tree Limits?

+5 votes

Hey there!

My main tree has 1,750 people at the moment, but I also have several smaller trees that are completely separate (accessed through the My Account section).  Is there a limit to how many separate trees you can have?  I was thinking of starting a separate account for my smaller trees, rather than risk hitting a limit part-way through...

Also, I've read that there is a limit for how far any given tree can reach...does anyone know exactly how that works?  Does it go by generation ("up/down") or by distance ("out")?  I've been pretty shocked at the distance I can go thus far, such as a distant cousin of another generation having a second wife and being able to add her entire extended family, all of which are technically not blood-related to me whatsoever, but whom are still "part of the family".  I was just wondering when I will hit the limit on how far my tree can reach.


asked Jun 19, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree (1,510 points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
Thanks for your questions. First, there is no limit to the number of trees you can have in one account, so long as you don't mind scrolling down a long list in your 'My Account' page.

In terms of a tree's reach, the creator/founder of the tree has no limit in the distance of people they can add. Other people working on the tree cannot add people who are not blood relatives of the founder or one of the founder's partners.
answered Jul 9, 2015 by gidgreen (10,940 points)
selected Jul 10, 2015 by InTheRootsOfTheTree
Oooh, very awesome, thank you SO much!!
–11 votes
Ask Family Echo
answered Jul 9, 2015 by tessypop2 (830 points)
reshown Feb 16, 2016 by FamilyEchoSupport
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