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How do I keep all females (pink) on same side

0 votes

My females on the are tree both either the left or the right.

They all should be on one side.

Doesnt matter which side.  How do I correct.

asked Apr 28, 2021 by lmaumend (260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Toward the bottom of the window, there is a "Show options" link that opens a set of options that you can change. One of the available options is "Left partner" whitch you can set to male or female. I don't recall what the default is, but maybe flipping this back and forth will fix your problem.

Is this a general problem, or just when there are multiple partners? I ask, because on my trees the females are always on the left unless there are multiple partners.
answered Apr 29, 2021 by lsommerer (50,890 points)
edited Apr 30, 2021 by lsommerer