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how do I know heigth and width

0 votes
related to an answer for: how would know the size of my family tree
asked Apr 22, 2021 by lmaumend (260 points)

1 Answer

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When you print your family tree, FamilyEcho will print it on however many pages you choose. For a small family tree, printing on one page can look fine. But with a larger family tree, you will have to change to a larger number of pages for height and width to make your tree large enough to read.

How large? I have a hard time judging, but you can click "print preview" to try different combinations until you get something that is easy enough to read, but doesn't use 40 sheets of paper. Depending on the "shape" of your family tree, you could end up printing a fair number of blank pieces of paper. Or you could print the pages more selectively.
answered Apr 22, 2021 by lsommerer (52,870 points)