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how do i print a certian part of the family

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161 views asked Apr 21, 2021 by Kani7546@gmail.com (170 points)

1 Answer

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You can have pretty fine graned control over what part of the tree is displayed or printed by changing these things:

  • Which person in the tree is selected. It is not always obvious how this works in conjunction with the settings below, so do some experimenting. For instance, to get my parents and everyone below them, it works best for me to pick someone in the generation below the parents instead of the parents.
  • Your option settings for:
    • Parents
    • Children
    • Other

As far as I know, those are the only tools for determining which part of the tree are displayed or printed. 

answered Apr 21, 2021 by lsommerer (48,700 points)