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How to withdraw a 'share' link

+3 votes
I've invited people to be able to look at the family tree, by sharing a link to it, but I'd like to withdraw that permission, so they will not be able to see the tree any more Is there a way to do that? Thank you.
asked Apr 15, 2021 by Fenna (200 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

There's not a clean way to do that right now, but people do request a way to manage shared links from time to time, so maybe someday. 

Note that it will not work to export your tree, create a new tree and delete the old tree. Any shared shared trees are still available after you delete the tree. It might be nice for the UI to note that when we create links.

answered Apr 19, 2021 by lsommerer (48,700 points)
+1 vote
Any update on this? Would like to be able to revoke a shared link...
answered Oct 26, 2021 by d7e7r7 (160 points)