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Edit buttons are locked

0 votes
When I log in I can access my family tree and navigate around it. However all buttons on the left hand screen do not respond when I attempt any form of editing to any individual. Is there a data lock provision or any other reason for this. I have tried access from both Apple and Android devices with the same problem on each. I have not accessed the tree for about 2 years but my ID and password worked fine to allow access.
asked Jun 19, 2015 by portnabpucai (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
There is a known issue with using tablets, phones etc to access and edit trees. You should try using a laptop or pc, and if that doesn't work then contact Family Echo directly.
answered Jun 19, 2015 by p.mcallister (15,960 points)
Thanks for the response...I was afraid that might be the case. I stopped using Family Echo about the same time I stopped using my laptop. If the site can't be accessed on tablets/phones etc. I'm going to have to export my file to an App and  rather than keep both up to date, Family Echo will fall into disuse. Pity that!
You can still use laptops, pcs, desktops etc. This might be easier than exporting.

Family Echo say that they're fixing this issue, which might mean you'll be able to start using your devices soon.