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How do I add a child who is already on the tree somewhere else?

0 votes
For example, Mr. and Mrs. A are married. They have a daughter Ms. B, who is already on that same family tree as a wife. How do I connect Mr. and Mrs. A with Ms. B without having duplicates of Ms. B?
asked Apr 6, 2021 by onyxoryx (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Find Mr. B on the tree and click on her.
  2. On the left sidebar click on "Change or delete"
  3. Click on "Change parents"
  4. Click on "Change parents and types"
  5. From here you can set the mother and father to people who are already in your family tree and set the type of parents as well. 
answered Apr 7, 2021 by lsommerer (52,270 points)