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Can I merge two branches of a tree?

+1 vote
Because of the size of my family, i separated each branch of the tree for printing purposes. I would now like to create a complete family tree without reentering all the information. Is that possible?
asked Jun 18, 2015 by momkellerlynn (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

This following is NOT my own answer, but rather one that Family Echo gave on a question similar to this one:

I'm afraid it is not currently possible to merge two or more trees together in Family Echo. It is a feature that a lot of people have asked for and will hopefully be added in future. You can save multiple trees in one account though, and access them using the 'My Account' link in the top right of the page.

Hopefully this feature will be dealt with in the future.

answered Jun 20, 2015 by p.mcallister (16,000 points)
This is more or less the situation. Our developer recently added an answer to a similar question which gives a way to do this, but it involves downloading and editing FamilyScript files:
