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Delete button Disappeared

0 votes
When I click on the "Change or Delete" button, the Delete option is no longer present. Even if the person is at the end of a branch, they can not be deleted. I have been using this site for several years and this is my second tiime encoutering this glitch. The first time I encoutered the glitch it lasted for several months. If there is any way to solve this glitch, please let me know. I don't want wait several months for it to work again.
asked Mar 18, 2021 by 774570 (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
A workaround that may work for now is to enter this in your browser console:


Then click 'Change or delete' again. Please let me know if it works.
answered Mar 18, 2021 by gidgreen (10,920 points)
It worked. Thank you so much for your help. It is greatly appreciated.