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relate people already in the tree ?

0 votes
I  have already made the tree, and found out that two great grandmothers were sisters(already in the tree without any connection) ... how can i tag them to same parents without starting over?
asked Mar 17, 2021 by Syamjithh (140 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

Follow these steps:

Great grandmother1:

Add parents if not already there.

edit/add the details for these parents as needed.

Great grandmother 2

Add parents to great grandmother2.

Select great grandmother2.

Click on the [Change or delete] button.

Click on the [Change parents] button.

Click on the [Change parents and type] button.

Using the "Set mother" and "Set father" drop downs you can now find and select great grandmother1's parents to be the parents of great grandmother2

Finally click on the [Set parents and type] to save the change.

answered Mar 17, 2021 by DanUgrin (21,680 points)
0 votes
This is really an interesting situation. I even don't have better idea of it. But I would like to learn.
answered Mar 22, 2021 by ChadLambert (180 points)
edited Mar 22, 2021 by ChadLambert