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I have a few secondary parent limitations...

+2 votes

While editing my tree, two things came up regarding secondary parents.

1) Two people (who are twins) on my tree have parents who never met each other so they reproduced another way. Though this means they weren't partners. But with a recent update, I can have secondary parents (yay!). So I set their father as a secondary parent which means he isn't forced into a relationship with their mother. By default they show up as biological (black lines) though I wanted it to be specified.

I can edit this with a FamilyScript file (by adding the tags Vb and Wb to the children where it shows up correctly as biological father) although it looks kind of weird in the editing interface. In the secondary type of parents dropdown, it is blank which is fine, I guess, since it still works. But if I wanted to change their parents for whatever reason (I wouldn't have to, though, since it is justified) it would delete the biological relationship between the children and their father since the dropdown is blank so I would have to go back to the FamilyScript file and do it manually.

I don't expect Family Echo to do something since in reality no one can have more than two biological parents but I thought you would like to know since this secondary parent workaround is useful when it comes to people having children without ever being partners.

2) A person got fostered and later on married her foster-father's biological son. She already has defined biological parents (who had died), but I don't think that is the issue. When I try to set her secondary father to her father-in-law I can't find him. I guess it's because they are theoretically siblings in that case even if her husband wasn't living with them?

I can use FamilyScript again and set the secondary father to her father-in-law (by doing Y[id of father-in-law] then add the tag Wf, though I can set him as a foster parent through the Family Echo editing interface normally first and then add the secondary father tag). It shows normally (duplicates, though, but still fine). This problem is interesting because if you do it the other way around (set the original person as a foster child then partner them) it works. If you go over to the "Change parents" area, though, the secondary parents are blank (in both cases). If I want to change her parents I can't do that without deleting the foster relationship.

For this second secondary parent limitation I think Family Echo should allow us to set one's partner's parents as their parents in the cases of sibling relationships. I am glad that you can add siblings as partners, but it does display weirdly in the editing interface when it comes to parents. Since I don't really add any pictures to Family Echo's people, I can download the file, edit it, then upload it back without any problem but for other people who do have pictures, this would be a problem.

asked Mar 10, 2021 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
edited Mar 10, 2021 by Z-Rena

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