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Why was SPOUSE removed and changed to Partner?

0 votes

Spouse’s have marriage certificates with a lot of information on them. No use trying to find a marriage certificate if they were not legally married. Please keep both Spouse and Partner options.

asked Feb 25, 2021 by mj9949 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This also happened when I imported a GEDCOM from Geni. Only people who had wedding dates or some other marriage info stayed spouses, otherwise everyone else became just partners which is strange.
answered Feb 28, 2021 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
I am trying to put back spouse have partner, how can I have both???

Please help thank you

Am getting used to this as quickly as I can, had to restart about 3 times oh my goodness,  I can't even get my files from heritage and am doing things the hard way now after years of doing this,  I like this program familyecho,  many thanks.

Mary Lou