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My tree won't stop loading, what should I do?

0 votes
I was in the process of making a greek-mythology-inspired family tree;

turns out that a) nearly every being in greek mythology is related,

and b) there are a lot of beings in greek mythology.

Last i remember i got in about 300-500, and everything was fine,

until i treid to find out what would happen if i tried to load the entire tree,

(with minium limitations for the amount of distant relatives that are shown when a person is selected).

Now every time i try to open the website, it crashes.

The irony of me experiencing hubris does not escape me hubris.

Can anyone please help? Thank you
asked Feb 23, 2021 by ParsnipThePhilosopher (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Did you set the relatives view for ancestors, descendants and other to 15 generations?

If so, why don't you try this: Try going to your account page without having to go through the tree if possible, then create a new tree (you don't have to do anything with it). Then leave and go back to the original tree and it should be set to the default amount of generations shown.
answered Feb 28, 2021 by Z-Rena (1,640 points)
Thanks for responding! I tried that a couple of times but each time i log in i get transported to the broken page and i can't leave it : ( any tips?